Monday, January 7, 2013

We have come into a new year once again, Welcome to the year 2013! 

I wonder how many of you made resolutions, and for how many previous years have you done so. Were you successful in your attempts? If so, was it hard? 

I look at resolutions as diets, they never work..... At least for me! So, for the past 3 years I've made no steps towards resolutions, but in turn decided to IMPROVE my life. I thought about the things I wanted to accomplish and I didn't put a "1year" time stamp on them. I simply told myself within the next few years or maybe even months, I wanted to be working toward obtaining this for myself, or changing this for my girls.  Coming into this new year I was a bit conflicted. I had no clear idea in mind of what my next life goal would be.  So after some time off from my job, I discovered that I must stop hiding from my passions. I need to work towards my dreams, I drill this concept into my daughters mind but neglected it in my life. Also I came to realize that alongwith following my hearts desire, I need to form a closer bond with GOD. 

So for the next few months, years or lifetime,  I will be consistently working towards a greater good. Working towards a new sense of enlightenment in my understanding. Trying to discover the path GOD intended for me to venture down before I decided to make my own crooked road. 

This journey should be interesting! :)

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