Thursday, July 14, 2016

"Being Black"... Can end your life!

"There is a treasure in your trash"- T.D Jakes

Accepting who you are and where you've come from can sometimes be hard. You grow up questioning your heritage, your past and your community.....

In the wake of the deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling the community has had ENOUGH. A fury of protests and marches erupted in what can easily be called the New Revolution. Where the BLACK community took a stand against racism and the murdering of our Black Men at the hands of the Police Departments all over this nation!

Let's take a look at the facts...

In America "Being Black" can end your life!!!

This isn't new, we protested when Trayvon Martin was murdered by that trigger happy blatantly racist fake neighborhood watch flashlight cop. We demand justice for him and unfortunately the Justice System ultimately let us down. So then.... We were sad. And we seemingly gave up the battle....

"Anytime you settle for less than GOD has for you, you have sat in darkness"-T.D Jakes

That quote is so powerful especially for right now and what we are going through as a black community. We are on a constant battle now of trying to defend our protests, trying to defend why "Black Lives Matter", trying to defend our freedom and trying to defend our families. When this world has been set up against us from the start. We came so far, yet we are still so disrespected. We are still so misunderstood. I have never been so disgusted with this world than I am today. For me to read about what my ancestors went through in the past is completely different than damn near living through a modern day race war!

 I can honestly say I am battling with trying to understand the reason why my skin color is so hated. Is there some type of scientific fact behind why my people are so mistreated? On the inside I bleed , we bleed , everybody bleeds red.

"I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream – one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, "We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream... "
                                                                                                               -Martin Luther King Jr. (1963)

The American Dream... What does that even mean anymore? As I child I dreamed of a big house, the picket fence, the kids, the dog and the husband. I dreamed of the fairy tale that those sweet little lullaby's told, the dreams that Disney sold. I too could live that happy, free life. I mean, this is the Land Of The Free, right? No one ever told me that for a black girl that fairy tale hardily ever plays out. I feel like I'm stuck in the twilight zone.... I've traveled back in time, let me off in Birmingham, Alabama during the 1963 Race Riots. Let me fight, let me burn down, let me sit-in, let me scream, let me pray, let me die in the name of PRIDE . Pride for who I am, pride in knowing that everything I have today my ancestors fought hard for....

To die at the hands of the people that are sworn in to protect and serve you is a big slap in face. It's like a child bullying you, laughing and pointing, saying "You thought we liked yall, hahaha.." In all actuality the only thing that's different from 1963 to 2016 is that we no longer have to use separate bathrooms or water fountains. Ok , great... ! But everything else still remains the same. A white man can kill my brother, my father, my uncle or my son and serve no jail time... I mean Emmett Till was murdered for whistling... His killers walked! Trayvon Martin was murdered for looking suspicious.. his killer walked! Eric Garner was murdered for allegedly selling cigarettes...his killer walked! Tamir Rice was murdered for playing in the park ALONE with a fake gun... his killer walked!

Black Lives Matter is not about discrediting anyone else's life. We are well aware that All Lives SHOULD Matter but the sad fact is Black Lives don't. And that's the problem... Because we've fought an endless fight on trying to secure our place in this world. We want for our lives to be valued as everyone else... We want to LIVE!

So ,

I say... Welcome to the New Revolution...Our lives matter and everyone is going to know it! 
We have just begun!

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